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Beginner’s guide to solar panels in Westchester
October 23, 2021 at 7:00 AM
Beginner’s guide to solar panels in Westchester

The use of solar panels is increasing across the nation. While they used to be confined mostly to warm climates in southern states in the US, they’re gaining traction in areas that also see cold and even harsh winters. If you’re considering making the switch to solar panels in Westchester, we understand if you have some questions. Our team at DMV Equity would like to help you get acquainted with what it takes to install solar panels and how they work with our beginner’s guide below.

Is my home a good candidate for solar panels?

Before you make any purchases, it’s a good idea to have an expert come to your home and examine the orientation of your roof. It’s important to keep in mind that homes in North America will typically put solar panels on the south side of the house. This is because the sun shines from the south so you’re able to maximize the amount of exposure the panels get each day. While it’s not ideal, putting panels on the east or west sides of your house can work but you’ll be losing energy either early in the morning are in the evening.

Beyond the slope of your roof, think about how many trees you have in your yard or nearby that might be casting shadows over your roof for long periods throughout the day. This can also rob you of energy.

Do I need to make any repairs to my home for solar?

Solar panels are heavy. The average panel weighs about 40 pounds, which adds about 2.8 pounds per square foot on a pitched roof. You must perform necessary repairs on your roof before installing solar panels because the added weight can make small problems worse and lead to leaks. What’s more, your roof will need to be able to handle the weight of the panels in addition to a yearly accumulation of snow.

How many solar panels do I need?

The number of solar panels depends entirely on how big of an installation you want. If you’re looking to supplement your home’s power supply then you won’t need as many as somebody who wants to be nearly reliant on solar energy. Additionally, it’s going to depend on how much sun you get in the area. For example, someone who lives in Phoenix isn’t going to need as many solar panels as those in Westchester because they get more sunlight throughout the year. Weigh your options with an expert to make the right decision for your home.

Don’t I need to live in a warm climate to get solar panels?

This is a common misconception about solar panels. While there are solar thermal panels available, these are typically used for warming a water supply. Photovoltaic solar panels are most often used to create energy so they don’t require heat to function. Rather, these panels use light energy from the sun to convert it into energy for your home. In fact, solar panels will often work more efficiently on cool, sunny days because, like most electronics, they function better when they’re not as hot.

Book an appointment

If you’d like to learn more about getting solar panels installed on your home, give our team a call at DMV Equity. We serve our neighbors with the best panels in the industry and offer expert-level advice. You can set up an appointment by calling 808-218-4169 or sending a message using our online contact form. We look forward to hearing from you and working with you to install solar panels on your home.